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Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Video: As Robotics and AI Merge, a Huge Competition for Progress, and Funding, is Developing...

In This Video: Major technology and robotics companies are advancing their efforts to develop and train artificial intelligence models. These AI systems are being designed to perform a wide range of roles and functions, preparing for a future where AI is integral to various industries and aspects of everyday life.

Video Courtesy of NBC News

Apple’s Reasoning Behind their Decisions on USB-C Charging Ports and Privacy Issues...


Apple is currently at the center of two things in tech that are facing some changes: privacy rights that have shaken the digital ad market, and Europe’s move toward a standard charging method for devices.

From WSJ’s Tech Live conference, Apple executives Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak answer questions on these topics.

Video courtesy of the Wall Street Journal

Beyond Hard Drives: The New Ways We're Storing MASSIVE Amounts Of Data...

We’re storing more data than ever before - but as the hard disk drives we rely on are reach their physical limits, new innovation is taking their place. 

Take a look at how scientists are working on methods to increase capacity and find new ways to house our data, as we examine these new methods and see how they all compare.

Video Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal

Replacing Hard Drives With... GLASS!? Microsoft Proves The Shocking Ability for Glass to hold MASSIVE Amounts of Data...

Microsoft's Project Silica is an effort to demonstrate that the company is capable of storing data for an extended period of time utilizing glass as the storage medium. Glass is the medium of the future for the storage of long-term data.

The Superman film from 1978 was etched onto a piece of glass through a collaborative effort between Microsoft and Warner Bros., which involved the use of lasers. This was done with the intention of demonstrating that the technology could be applied in environments other than the laboratory.

Video courtesy of CNET

Browser Startups Say They Can't Fairly Compete With Chrome and Safari, and they may get Regulators to take Action...

Rivals in the web-browser market are raising concerns about the dominance of Apple’s Safari and Google’s Chrome, and global regulators are taking notice as they focus more on the power of big tech companies.

How Safari and Chrome became so big and what moves regulators are considering...

 Video Courtesy Of WSJ

Does AI think and feel? Why Two Google Engineers are Saying "Yes" - Because They've Seen it For Themselves...

Is it feasible for artificial intelligence to think and have feelings? In spite of the fact that the answer is "no," two Google engineers are of the opinion that this is not actually the situation. Now that we've reached this point, it would appear that the Turing test has been successfully passed.

Video Courtesy of Cold Fusion TV

Musk Isn't The First to Try Buying Twitter - So Why Couldn't Disney, Google, and Others Close The Deal?

 Elon Musk makes his bid to acquire the company, examine Twitter's former possible purchasers, such as Salesforce, Walt Disney, and Google and more.

There was even a rumor all the way back in 2016 that Microsoft, Google and Disney were in a bidding war over Twitter, but one by one the companies began questioning if Twitter was a fit for them, and changed their mind.

Video courtesy of The Wall Street Journal